1966 "Ideas for Creative Packaging" 「創意包裝概念」(English 英文)
1975 The Tokyo International Lighting Design Competition 東京國際傢俱比賽 (English 英文)
1981 "International Feeling in Furniture" 「國際性的傢俱」(English 英文)
1981 Progressive Architecture Annual Conceptual Furniture Competition P/A第一屆國際傢俱觀念競賽 (English 英文)
1981 "Design Review - Furniture by Hu Hung-shu"「胡宏述的傢俱」(English 英文)
1982 "Conceptual Design: In Pursuit of Ideas" 「觀念設計追求理念」(English 英文)
1982 "Hu Hung-shu: Ideas and Development of Ideas" 「胡宏述:理念和理念的發展」(English 英文)
1982 "Mobelobjekte" (German 德文)
1983 "Designer Hu Hung-shu" 「設計家胡宏述」(Chinese 中文)
1983 "The Fine Art of Thinking Around" 「純藝術的三度空間思維」(English 英文)
1983 "Selected Furniture Work by Hu Hung-shu" 「胡宏述設計作品欣賞」(Chinese 中文)
1985 "My Philosophy of Design Education and My Design Work" 「我的設計觀念及我的設計作品」(Spanish 西班牙文)
1988 Three chair designs featured in book 397 Chairs 椅子設計三件刊登于397 Chairs(English 英文)
1991 "Staring.Pondering.Lingering" 「凝視、沈思、流連 - 胡宏述教授的公共藝術理念」(Chinese 中文)
1993 "The Form Created by Hu Hung-shu" 「胡宏述的造型世界」(Chinese 中文)
1996 Press release and articles from "New Technique, New Scenery" 「新技巧、新意境」報導及文章三段 (English 英文/Chinese 中文)
1997 "Review of Hu Hung-shu and His Design Philosophy" 「試論胡宏述與他的設計觀」(Chinese 中文)
1998 "The Right for MFA Degree" 「談MFA應有的地位」(Chinese 中文)
1999 "Looking at Art and Science from the Education Viewpoint" 「以教育觀點看藝術與科學」(Chinese 中文)
-- "Prof. Hu Hung-shu's Design Ideology" 「胡宏述教授的設計思想觀」(Chinese 中文)
2004 "Form Follows Action" 「形隨行」(Chinese 中文)
2004 "Form Follows Action" 「形隨行」(English 英文)
-- "Introduction to Two-Dimensional Design: Understanding Form and Function" 「平面設計入門:了解造型與作用」(English 英文)
2019 「舞」動雲門 - 胡宏述和他的公共藝術創作 (Chinese 中文)

「創意包裝概念」 登載于 Industrial Design Magazine, 5月, 92-93頁, 美國紐約, 1966
"Ideas for Creative Packaging" Published in Industrial Design Magazine, May, pp. 92-93, New York, 1966

「東京國際傢俱比賽」登戴于 Japan Architect, 8月, 第50集, 第8期, 89頁, 日本東京, 1975
"The Tokyo International Lighting Design Competition" Published in Japan Architect, Aug, Vol. 50, No. 8, p. 89, Tokyo, Japan, 1975

「國際性的傢俱」 登載于 Design, 7月, 第7頁, 英國倫敦, 1981
"International Feeling in Furniture" Published in Design, Jul, p. 7, London, UK, 1981

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「第一屆國際傢俱觀念競賽」登載于 Progressive Architecture, 5月, 152頁, 美國康州 Stamford, 1981
“P/A First Annual Conceptual Furniture Competition" Progressive Architecture, May, p. 152, Stamford, CT, USA, 1981

「Design Review - 胡宏述的傢俱」登載于 Architectural Review, 7月, Vol. CLXX, #1013, 62-63 頁, 英國倫敦, 1981
"Design Review - Furniture by Hu Hung-shu" Published in Architectural Review, Jul, Vol. CLXX, #1013, pp. 62-63, London, UK, 1981

「觀念設計追求理念」登載于 AIA Iowa Architect Magazine, 5/6月, 16-20頁, 美國愛荷華州 Des Moines, 1982
"Conceptual Design: In Pursuit of Ideas" Published in AIA Iowa Architect Magazine, May-Jun, pp. 16-20, Des Moines, Iowa, 1982   

Iowa Architect cover_small.jpg

「胡宏述: 理念和理念的發展」登載于 Industrial Design Magazine, 3-4月, 49頁, 美國紐
"Hu Hung-shu: Ideas and Development of Ideas" Published in Industrial Design Magazine, Mar - Apr, p. 49, New York, 1982

"Mobelobjekte" 登載于 MD, 11月, 84-85頁, 德國, 1982
"Mobelobjekte" Published in MD, Nov., pp. 84-85, West Germany, 1982

「設計家胡宏述」登載于《雄獅美術》第10期, 台灣, 1983
"Designer Hu Hung-shu" Published in Hsiung Shih Art Monthly, #10, Taiwan, 1983

「純藝術的三度空間思維」登載于The Iowa Alumni Review, 3-4月, 第36集, 第2期, 20-22頁, 美國愛荷華州 Iowa City, 1983
"The Fine Art of Thinking Around" Published in The Iowa Alumni Review, Vol. 36, #2, pp. 20-22, Iowa City, Iowa, USA, Mar-Apr 1983

「胡宏述設計作品欣賞」登載于《摩登家庭》第109期, 64-69頁, 台灣台北, 1983
"Selected Furniture Work by Hu Hung-shu" Published in Modern Home, #109, pp. 64-69, Taipei, Taiwan, 1983

「我的設計觀念及我的設計作品」登載于Magenta Design Review, 墨西哥 Guadalajara, 1985年3月
"My Philosophy of Design Education and My Design Work" Published in Magenta Design Review, Guadalajara, Mexico, March 1985

椅子設計三件 - 刊登于397 Chairs, 出版社 Harry N. Abrams, Inc. New York, 1988
Three chair designs featured in book 397 Chairs, Published by Harry N. Abrams, Inc. New York, 1988

「凝視、沈思、流連 - 胡宏述教授的公共藝術理念」刊登于《現代雕塑展》展覽圖錄, 第9-14夏, 台北市立美術館, 台灣台北, 1991
"Staring. Pondering. Lingering" An article for the catalog Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition 1991, pp. 9-14, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan

「胡宏述的造型世界」登載于《藝術貴族》7月第43期, 102-105頁, 台灣, 1993
"The Form Created by Hu Hung-shu" Published in Art Monthly Magazine, #43, pp 102-105, Taiwan, 1993

「新技巧、新意境」展覽報導 - 中國時報 5/30/1996, 中國郵報(英文)6/25/1996, 台灣副刊 7/29/1996
"New Technique, New Scenery" - Press releases from China Times 5/30/1996, The China Post 6/25/1996, Taiwan Newspaper7/29/1996

037.1996.07.29.Taiwan Newspaper.jpg

「試論胡宏述與他的設計觀」林品章作, 登載于《現代美術》第70期, 20-25頁, 台北市立美術館,台灣台北, 1997
"Review of Hu Hung-shu and His Design Philosophy" by Lin Ping-Chang, Published in Modern Art Bi-monthly, #70, pp 20-25, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taiwan, 1997

「談MFA應有的地位」文章, 登載于《現代美術》第79期, 70-74頁, 台灣台北市立美術館, 1998
"The Right for MFA Degree" Published in Modern Art Bi-monthly, #79, pp. 70-74, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taiwan, 1998

「以教育觀點看藝術與科學」 登載于《現代美術》台北市立美術館館刊, 第85期, 台北台灣, 1999
"Looking at Art and Science from the Education Viewpoint" Published in Modern Art, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, #85, Taipei, Taiwan, 1999

「胡宏述教授的設計思想觀」鄭民祥著, 登戴于《工業設計》大同工學院工業設計系學會刊印
"Prof. Hu Hung-shu's Design Ideology" by Minxiang Zheng, Published in Industrial Design, Tatung Polytechnic Industrial Design Department

「形隨行」 登載于《裝飾雜誌》中國北京清華大學, 2004
"Form Follows Action" Published in Art & Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2004

"Form Follows Action" by Hu Hung-shu, English translation by Julie Holding

「平面設計入門:了解造型與作用」John Bowers 著
"Introduction to Two-Dimensional Design: Understanding Form and Function" by John Bowers

「舞」動雲門 -胡宏述和他的公共藝術創作 《藝術家》雜誌,台灣,2019

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